Skin products
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Mineral makeup: what is it and why is it better for your skin?
A mineral makeup FAQ - what makes these cosmetics so popular?
Review: Schick Quattro For Women High Performance Razor
A very pretty razor that gives a smooth shave
Review: Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash with Shea Butter
A shower gel that feels great, smells great, and nourishes your skin
Review: Oil of Olay Touch of Sun Daily UV Facial Moisturizer
Get that suntanned look and a great moisturizer all in one
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Editor's choice
A clipped history of the wig
A lightning tour of wigs through the ages
Fruits and vegetables - nature's beauty products
From canteloupe skin cream to bananas for your hair
Review: L'Oreal Dermo-Expertise Sublime Bronze Self-Tanning Gelée
A self-tanning gel that gives a great result - if you can wait long enough
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Soft hands, legs and feet
Pamper those extremities!
Review: Garnier Vital Restore Night Cream
A cream that reduces sagging and improves suppleness
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The best cleansers and advice on how to use them