

girl with short hair

From long to short hair - making the transition easy

What to think about when changing from a long to a short hairstyle

a hair straightener

Tips for getting the most out of a hair straightener

How to use a hair straightener for a soft-looking, sleek hairstyle


Hair Care FAQs

Some common questions about hair care answered

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Not Born Blonde?

Tips on how to lighten your hair for non-blondes

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Popular celebrity sedu hair styles

The sedu hairstyle that has been made popular by Jennifer Aniston and other stars

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Acne treatments - top nine remedies

The best ways to beat acne and achieve healthy looking skin

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Facial skin care treatments - a guide

The different facial beauty treatments you can find in a salon

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Laser hair removal FAQ

A quick guide to the hows and whys of laser hair removal

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The basics of tooth whitening

How tooth whitening can give you a brighter smile

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How to get the best haircut for your face shape

Choose the hairstyle that matches your face

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