
The Beauty Biz Salon Directory

This is a directory of beauty salons across the UK

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Location: eg town, postcode
Name: eg The Beauty Shop

Beauty salons in CARLISLE

Phake Ltd

Atlas House, Nelson Street, Cumbria, Carlisle CA2 5NB

01228 596868

La Moda

27 English St, Cumbria, Carlisle CA3 8JW

01228 522890

Dalston Cosmetic Dental Practice

7 The Square, Dalston, Cumbria, Carlisle CA5 7PJ

01228 711272

Salon Esk

3 High St, Longtown, Cumbria, Carlisle CA6 5UA

01228 791700

Topbod Health & Beauty

2 Edenside Cottage, Wetheral, Cumbria, Carlisle CA4 8HA

01228 562548

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