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Soft hands, legs and feet

Pamper those extremities!

Author: Ashley Olson October 30 2010

beautiful feet on wood floor

We have skin all over our bodies so why do we spend so much time on our face? Sure your face is going to be seen by everybody on a daily basis, but if your hands, feet, and legs look bad it puts a dent in your overall beauty.

This is especially true of the hands, which most people treat as an afterthought. But the cold weather is coming and you need to be prepared! Your hands will be exposed to the cold air this winter, leaving them dry and cracked. A simple solution is to wear gloves every time you go outdoors, and if they happen to get wet due to the snow or rain, change them. Gloves can also be a stylish bonus to any cold weather outfit!

Besides keeping them protected, a great thing to do for attractive hands is to develop an easy, daily routine; after getting out of the shower, use your towel to push your cuticles back. Also take time to file and trim the imperfections away, and follow up by using a lotion made for hands so that you don't have greasy hands after application. Keep your nails fresh by touching up the chipped paint every couple of days, or when needed. One last trick is to use a deep-moisturizing treatment once a week after using an exfoliating scrub.

article continued

Moving on, legs can be one of the sexiest parts of a woman's body, so it's important to keep them looking healthy. Proper diet plays a big role in keeping legs beautiful, so make sure you're eating plenty of fresh vegetables and fruit. And don't forget to exercise!

Applying a good moisturizing lotion daily helps your legs shine and keeps them looking young. To keep good circulation through your legs, gently massage the lotion into your skin. The perfect time to apply lotion is after you've showered, but applying lotion any time throughout the day also works too.

Exfoliating your legs will keep them free from weird blemishes, and reinforce the work your lotion has been doing to keep your legs smooth. Luckily you only need to exfoliate once a week using a nourishing, vitamin rich scrub.

Your feet are the roots of your body, and they need to be pampered just as much as the legs and hands. Start off by soaking your feet in warm soapy water using a liquid beauty soap. After you've soaked your feet for 10-15 minutes, dip a pumice stone in the soapy water and rub away the rough skin. You should rub in a back and forth motion for only 30 seconds, rinse, and then repeat. If you choose to do this in the shower, be sure that your feet are softened enough not to create scratches or bleeding. Do this a few times a week, and eventually your feet will be on par with the rest of your body.

Just because your face is what gets all of the attention doesn't mean the rest of your body should become lost in the shadows. So remember to moisturize and exfoliate!

About the Author

Ashley is a freelance writer from Ohio. She writes on hair styling, makeup, poker, fitness, and dieting.

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