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Ten tips for better pics

Bring the secrets of the fashion shoot to your own photos

Author: Gilly Wilkes August 29 2010

photographer taking a picture

You don't have to be a professional model to want to look your best on camera! Here are ten tips to enhance your photos and give yourself that superstar look in any photo.

  1. Press your tongue up hard into the roof of your mouth; this raises your under-chin area and gives you a more streamlined look.
  2. Use the classic model pose when standing in front of a camera. Turn your body three quarters of the way toward the camera and place one foot in front of the other facing forwards. This can make you look ten pounds slimmer.
  3. Close your eyes for 30 seconds before the shot. This makes your pupils look more dilated and you'll look much more relaxed and smiley.
  4. Avoid yellow on light-coloured skin as you'll look jaundiced. Avoid whites on darker skin as you'll look washed out. Everyone should avoid big checks, patterns and swirls - they may look amazing in real life but can dominate a picture and make you look heavier.
  5. Try to relax, push your shoulders back slightly and feel as if an invisible thread is pulling you up through the top of your head to make you naturally stand tall.
  6. Go for natural and simple makeup - anything too heavy or dramatic may make you look like a drag queen as the camera can magnify your look, especially on close ups. Women under thirty can try slightly more make-up, women over 30 try using less (or make it look like you are wearing less; concealer and some mascara can go a long way)
  7. Look away and back again just before the picture is taken, giving you a fresh, just caught, relaxed look. Try to have the camera below your eye level pointing up to make yourself look a bit taller.
  8. Find a celebrity you look like and see which photos they look good in, then try to mimic them in your photos.
  9. Check in a mirror just before the shot as you might have lipstick on your teeth or messy eyebrows.
  10. Practise, practise, practise. The more pics you pose for the better you'll get. And just try a few of these tips to start with, don't try to do the whole lot at once or you may end up looking a bit weird instead of the natural goddess you are.

All the best and happy snapping!

article continued

About the Author

Gilly is Senior Fashion Advisor at the Westminster Beauty Salon in London, UK, a private members beauty salon. She advises clients on fashion, wardrobe and clothing. Westminster also do photo shoots for clients in the salon, and are used as a location for fashion shoots.

Gilly's homepage: Westminster Beauty Salon

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Posted on 19/11/10 16:30 by: Andy Bentez

I've taken a photography course and these are some good basic tips. I think the best thing is to be creative and just get out there - see what you can do. It's an art and you need to have some artistic flair.


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